
Monday, May 4, 2009

Sure enough......Wolverine was TERRIBLE. I STILL after SO many years cannot understand why every movie based on a comic is absolutely HORRIBLE. 

Is it because I read comics almost everyday? Does that make me judge things MUCH more harsh? I do not believe so. It's not hard! The movie changed so much history - and made up SO much nonsense that was never true to the comics. I understand possibly "changing it up" a bit for movie purposes, but do not completely alter such great stories in comics. 

It was decent / accurate for about 35-40 minutes of the film. Then just like almost every comic movie, completely dropped off the face of the earth - I almost wanted to leave the theatre. It's a joke, a slap in the face to all comic fans. Congrats to Marvel for ONCE AGAIN creating a great comic character's story into a movie for jocks and old assholes that don't know anything. Seriously, just look at Transformers. Look how awesome they were before the movie. Now, that bullshit movie is mentioned at almost EVERY dude-bro faggot college beer kegger around. 

I'm upset - and need to sleep. 
Being a nerd is a burden. 


Joey Gueez said...

You take that back about transformers MR! lol

Jenn said...

NO!! Don't tell me that they changed Wolverine's story!!

PJFilth said...

Yeah....it's NOTHING like it's suppose to be.

The only thing they did pretty well was Sabretooth's character. =(

Jenn said...

That makes me a sad panda. Wolverine's background is top notch, no need to alter it at all. I agree with your assessment of most comic-movie switches that have happened recently. Have you seen the animated version of Wonder Woman? It's not too bad as far as sticking to the original. Granted my expertise is pretty limited with Wonder Woman. (I'm an X-Men girl.)

PJFilth said...

I haven't seen Wonder Woman yet - but I heard it's pretty violent, lol. I actually have been enjoying the recent cartoon movies of superheroes.

I used to be HUGE into X-Men during childhood, but towards the late 90's I kind of gave up. The only X-Men related comic I've read in the last 10 years is the Wolverine series, and their part in the Civil War series. =(

Jenn said...

Wonder Woman IS kind of violent but it's really entertaining. (You have to love low budget animated movies.)
I actually was never into comic books as a kid believe it or not, I started reading comics when I was about 17 and have been "catching up" ever since. Have you played X-men Legends on either PS2 or X-Box?